1.      Maintain an excellent attendance record.  Remain up to date with all assignments.
2.      Refrain from eating except for special projects.  “GUM IS NEVER ALLOWED.
3.      Remain participatory and attentive throughout the entire lesson.
4.      Strive to converse “in Spanish only.”  Utilize the words learned for a response daily.
5.      No student will be admitted late without a pass from the office or the preceding teacher.
6.      Late “short term” assignments for absent students will be accepted on the day of return ONLY and must be accompanied by an “excused absence” slip turned in before or after school ONLY.
 7.   All “Long Term” assignments must be submitted on time; otherwise a grade of F will be given.
 8.   Homework assignments may not be accumulated and submitted after the due date for credit.
                                                                           9.   Any student who violates the “Honor Code” (see link below) will receive a grade of F for the advisory.

 1.    Weekly tests or quizzes.  Quizzes on homework and dictations (Unannounced).
 2.    Semester Examination and Final Examination= 10% of the Advisory Grade.
 3.     Graded Homework counts the same as a test or quiz grade.
 4.     Ungraded Homework counts as a zero if it is not submitted.  Only check or zero will be recorded.
5.      No make-up examinations will be given for any exam unless request is accompanied by an excused absence form from the main office. 
         NOTE:  Make ups are not given for poor exam scores.  

6.     Students must secure the phone numbers of 3-5 classmates to secure work in case of absence.
7.      All tests or evaluations with a score of less than 70 must be signed immediately by a parent.

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