I've just returned from a 6 hour journey from Washington, DC.  I went to town for my cousin's wedding and I tell you I'm glad I know the Spanish language.  Let me backtrack.  As all my students and parents know, I am pregnant and we are expecting our second child.  So, a very important thing for me in this last trimester (and in every step of this pregnancy as a matter of fact) is food and sleep (and not necessarily in that order!).  In any case, my cousin's wedding began late and so the reception began late.  When it was time to eat, the waiters came and served a few people at my table, but then they continued on to other tables.  I am not sure where the miscommunication was, but it seems like they forgot all about us.  I walked myself to the kitchen area and spoke with one of the waiters (who I realized spoke Spanish) and basically explained that I (if no one else at that table) REALLY needed to eat and quickly.  Soon after, I was chowing down on my meal.  Mission Accomplished!  Lesson of the day:  It's sooooooooo great knowing another language and being able to communicate effectively.  This is what I am constantly telling my students...keep learning because you will definitely use this language in the United States....and abroad if they choose to travel. 

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